🎃Instruqt tips and tricks

Resize or completely close the side bar for more space

The side bar gives you clear working instructions. Some of these may be long, and would benefit from a wider sidebar. Other times you may want more working space. Feel free to resize or even close the sidebar when you need to.

Open to close header sections in the text sidebar

While the text is useful, it can become a lot on the right hand side. You can focus on a single header by clicking on any others to close them.

Reopen intro slide

Each section comes with a basic intro slide. If you want to revisit the content on this slide, you can reach it in the top right corner

Refresh the current tab

If at any time you want to refresh a tab, either because it is acting up or you want a fresh view, you can use ctrl+r to refresh the whole browser tab or the refresh button on the top left corner of each Instruqt working tab.

Last updated